Published On: October 2, 2017By

Unisphere presents its unique experience in Flight Management at HAPS4ESA

HAPS4ESA unique Flight Management

In October 2017 time was right for the European Space Agency (ESA) to call in all interested representatives of industry, science, academia, regulatory bodies and policy makers for a two day workshop for an ESA Stratospheric High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS) program in Amsterdam.

While presenting their tools and practical experience with their Flight Management System the Unisphere Team could gather a powerful amount of feedbacks from manufacturers as well as from current satellite and drone operators.

“We make your payload work”

Unisphere emphasizes the need of viable business cases and the need of strong flight management systems to achieve them – way beyond a successful test flight. Already today Unisphere provides tools and experience to demonstrate various HAPS from different manufactures and their capabilities.

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Operational Analyses
  • Real Time Simulation

With the aim to establish powerful earth observation, telecommunications and navigation services we help manufacturers and operators to understand the potential and the limits of HAPS and how they need to be integrated into their concept of operation (CONOPS) before an actual investment.

The next HAPS4ESA conference is planned in about 24 months and Unisphere is keen on presenting a demonstration project by then.